Sunday, March 27, 2011

presence of love

March 25, 2006.  On that mother was surrounded by family members - literally surrounded by love.  On that day...I held her she drew her last breath of life.  Took a long time of desperately trying to forget my memories of March 25, 2006, and replace them with any of my lifetime of happier moments. 

When I woke up yesterday, March 25, 2011, that day five years ago was on my mind.  FIVE.YEARS?!?  How can that be?  At times it seems like it happened just yesterday.  Other times it seems like forever ago.  It is...timeless.  No matter how much time has passed, this feeling remains:  I WANT MY MOMMY!

Time marches on, and so would the day...shower, get dressed, leave to drop Jen off at school, and continue on to work...until BAM!  Someone decides to make U-turn in the middle of the street and hits my car.  Well, that instantly took my mind off that day five years ago.  Head hits window of car door, and neck and back already hurting a little.

Having never been in a car accident before -- and even though this was a minor accident -- I was a little shaken and a little scared.  We've all heard stories about people who hit their head and think, it's just a headache, I'll just go rest...and then -- surprise -- it turns out they have a serious problem.  I played it safe and got checked out (all fine, just a little soreness).

Throughout the day, I was in touch with family and friends - all so wonderful, making me laugh, sending good wishes and comforting words, my kids were doting on me.  Soon, the events of the morning got me thinking in a different way about that day five years ago...and I smiled.  Oh, I'll always be longing for my mom, but I am so happy and thankful that regardless of how much time has passed, her loving spirit continues...through the love of my family and friends...that I, too, am surrounded by love.


  1. What an awesome 360. Praise God for our memories and praise God for your safety.

  2. I am so glad you have started a blog. I hope you'll be sharing your beautiful pictures with the internet world.

    And accident?! How did I not know about this. I am so sorry!!!! And I am so grateful you are ok. Love you.

  3. That's awesome Beth. I'm really sorry about the pain from losing your Mother, but I'm happy you have a lot of people who care about you!

  4. Beth,
    Thanks for sharing from your heart and giving us a glimpse into the power of love in action. And glad you are doing OK!

  5. Thanks for sharing your feelings about your mom, Beth. While loss is always painful, it is a blessing when it helps shine a light on all that's good in one's life. I look forward to future posts, Sunshine... :-)
